McCorry Family USA

A collection of postings by and about members of the extended family of Charles and Bridget McCorry who live in the United States.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

2002 McCorry Family Christmas Letter

To All, Christmas 2002

May the joy of the blessed season of Christmas be with all of you!
I hope things are well as another year comes to a close and 2003 approaches. Here now, the news:
The Schield family gathered in November in New Orleans to celebrate two milestones. Carroll Schield turned 85 and he and wife Betty marked their 60th wedding anniversary. Hey, you youngsters: How old was Carroll when he married Betty? The reunion was held in New Orleans as that was where they honeymooned in 1942. All their children and their spouses attended. The weekend event included dinner at the famous Emeril Lagasse's Delmonico restaurant for a five-course meal that included roasted quail stuffed with feta cheese. Also while there, Betty and Carroll visited Saint Louis Cathedral where they were wed and the old Roosevelt Hotel where they spent their honeymoon.
“We thought it would be nice to get them together in the city where they spent their honeymoon,” writes David. “It was good to see everyone all together.”
Pat and Jay’s daughter Megan is engaged to be married to a young man from Lebanon who owns an Internet café in Paris where they met…Megan’s brother Justin lives in Paris, too…Dan and Bobbie’s daughter Miranda is enrolled at Marquette University in Milwaukee…Some of you may have seen U.S. Marshall Jim Schield on the “Today” show and other national newscasts commenting on the arrest of a priest in San Diego who was being extradited to Boston to face charges…David and Becky’s daughter Jessica was part of a cheerleading squad winning state honors and moving on to national competition in Orlando.
Brian McCorry has become a grandfather and Aunt MaryAnn a great-grandmother this year. Brian’s son David, and David’s girlfriend Lisa Palumbo, had a son, Michael Patrick McCorry, on Sept. 17. “We are thrilled!!” says Brian. His son Patrick is in Washington, D.C., working for an organization that works with legislatures in Africa. He's traveled to the Dark Continent several times this year, his father tells us. Daughter Lizzie is a sophomore at Notre Dame, studying in France this year, following in the footsteps of her mother, father, and oldest brother. Maureen Drabik's family is busy with sports, piano, Irish dancing, violin and other activities.
Betty Mullins marked her 50th birthday in September in an unusual way. She traveled to Scotland to participate in a bird counting conservation program of the Earthwatch Institute. She stayed in a 200-year old stone cottage with other volunteers on the project. “We really did hike and make bird observations all day long,” Betty writes. “Scotland was wonderful. I’m so glad I went.” Linda Mullins, John’s widow, is engaged to be married to Pete Hirthe, her son Casey’s soccer coach and a Bay View resident. Casey, who turns 8 in January, is well on his way to becoming the next Harry Potter! Kathy moved to Palo Alto from Albany (near Berkeley) to be closer to her new job. Kathy’s two youngest, Maureen and Brendan, live with their father Roy in Berkeley so they can finish high school. Brendan plans to train to become a paramedic, a noble calling! Bill lives with Kathy until he can find a job. He was laid off twice in the past year from optical networking equipment firms as Silicon Valley’s economic travails continue. I still report on said travails for the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal. I covered a press conference of FBI Director Robert Mueller and Bill asked me to ask him if the FBI needs any technical writers. Tricia’s husband Ken underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery in October. He is recovering well enough to do some remodeling on their house. A water leak destroyed carpets and presented an opportunity to redecorate. It’s good that Ken’s back on his feet. I showed him an article from the Wall Street Journal about how Home Depot’s sales growth slowed in the quarter when he was laid up!
Teresa Jonas underwent radiation treatment for breast cancer this year. “I’m fine,” she reports, and we are all glad of that. Jim Jonas is working as a substitute teacher in Milwaukee Public Schools, teaching English literature to high school seniors. Anna and John Borden are spending their first Christmas in their new house this year in South Milwaukee; with room enough for them and their two children, Eleanor and Paul.
Srs. Benedicta and Aquinice still reside at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Chicago. They spent a few days in New York City, the trip a gift of a parishioner. Sr. B. says they didn't get to Ellis Island this time, as they did on a previous trip, but they did stand in awe at ground zero.
If I missed any important news of any of you, please pass it on or share with your relatives directly. The included Cousins Address Book has lots of new addresses, and especially e-mail addresses, for many of you. It’s good to keep in touch.
Finally, for all of you with Wisconsin roots, this from Brian McCorry:
Two tourists were driving through Wisconsin. As they were approaching Oconomowoc, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town’s name. They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch. As they stood at the counter, one tourist asked the employee, “Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are…very slowly?” The blonde leaned over the counter and said, “Burrrrrr-gerrrrrr Kiiiing.”
Enjoy and have a great 2003!

Love and best wishes,

Robert Mullins


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