McCorry Family USA

A collection of postings by and about members of the extended family of Charles and Bridget McCorry who live in the United States.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Remembering Sr. Benedicta

As I write this post, family members are gathered in Chicago to attend the funeral mass for Sr. Mary Benedicta, our Aunt Eleanor. For various reasons, not all of us could be there but we all want to share our thought on her passing. Below is an email I got from Dan McCorry, Jr., One of her nephews and the son of Eleanor's brother Dan McCorry. Here, Dan Jr. talks about a visit he and his siblings had with Sr. Benedicta and Sr. Acquinice, had last summer in Chicago:

As some of the family gathers in Chicago today for Sister Benedicta's funeral Mass and burial, those of us who cannot attend are remembering her in our thoughts and prayers as we journey through our daily lives.  Brian, Colleen, Maureen, and I had the honor of visiting with her and Sister Aquinice this past July during our annual sibling gathering. What a treat it was to see her in such lively spirits.  The attached photos, albeit of poor quality, are documentation of the visit.  In the closeup pic, I am holding her hand (she truly didn't want to let go) while talking with her.  Believe me, she was trying to tell me something with all her might...although I never understood what she was saying, the intensity within her eyes was so meaningful--we connected.

Maureen was able to attend the wake yesterday afternoon and spend some time with Sister Aquinice.  She showed Sr. A the pictures from July.  She liked the one with Sr. B talking with me and remembered how hard she was trying to say something.  "Our guess is that she thought he was Dan, her brother.  My theory is that she was reminding him of something he did wrong when they were growing up.  To that theory, Sr. A said, "Dan??"  ~Sounds like being the only male had its advantages."

With prayers for Sister Benedicta,
Dan McCorry, Jr.

Thanks for sharing, Dan. I look forward to hearing from those of you attending the funeral if you are able to send photos and/or commentary on the events. My email address is

Robert Mullins


At 10:13 AM, Blogger Tricia Freer said...

Thanks for the comments Dan. Erin and I had the same experience a few years ago when we visited her. She was trying to say something to us and we couldn't quite figure it out. Later we figures out she was saying something about singing. I was from that family that sings! She knew what was going on.


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