Jonas Family News Christmas 2007
Our eldest sibling, Jim, is currently teaching English in the Milwaukee Public Schools. In addition, he has stepped onto the stage again, after many years, taking a role at the Sunset Playhouse in the cast of “Oscar and Felix.” Many of us found time to see his performance. Hopefully, more roles will come his way. Jason Jonas has “resurfaced,” joining the family for Thanksgiving Mass and dinner. He is living with Katie at Jim’s home. Jim constructed a new porch and it looks good! It’s at ground level so no chance of it collapsing! James and his Katie are looking at a separation, as Katie is leaving for Grenada this spring. She will be studying Veterinarian Medicine.
Peter has a second home in Naples, Florida. He is slowly decorating and he has good taste! His daughter Jane has two little girls and that makes Grandpa happy! She is working at Café Lulu and Sarah loves having her in the kitchen. PJ is cooking at a local Italian restaurant. Sam is working at the same firm as his dad, I think!
John T. and I are working in Milwaukee this year and we have rented out the house in San Diego. I am enjoying Milwaukee and being close to my siblings. Jonas is working as a nurse in Oceanside, Calif. He obtained his license in May after graduating. Kim and Luke came out to San Diego and we all had a good time celebrating Jonas’ achievement. He’s happy just working, with no classes to attend and has more time for golf! Luke has reconstructed a motorcycle on his 3-season porch! Yep! I asked him why he didn’t do that in the garage he built and he said, “it’s too cold out there!”
Tom and Sandy are doing just fine! Their Connor earns his driving license after his birthday on December 26th. Connor is in the midst of high school with academics and sports keeping everyone busy; even Grandma and Grandpa! And Roscoe, their dog, is a cutie!
Mary is working for Columbia St. Mary’s on North Ave. while Mike had a good year at TaxAir. Their son, Jeremy, is finishing school at Madison and is looking at medical schools. As expected, he scored well on his MCADs. He is taking a skiing trip to Vancouver Island with his cousins! Jared is “home alone” during the day and takes pretty good care of himself. He continues to surprise and even delight us all!
Michael moved from the Hunger Task Force to an Associate Director position at the Food Pantry of Waukesha County. Tess and I went out to their recognition event and we saw Michael “in action.” There is a lot of gardening happening at Paul and Michael’s home and plans for a new deck in the spring!
Anna is working independently for the Milwaukee Public School District as a Speech Therapist. She redid her kitchen in time to host the annual Thanksgiving Dinner. All went well. She and her husband John are parenting up a storm with the three kids, Ele, Paul and Jamison...and Finn, the dog. Half a day at their house and I’m glad my sons are over 30!
Paul is working days and playing gigs at night. He visited us in San Diego and he was a great houseguest. His group is called Five Card Studs and he goes by the stage name “Reno Nevada!" The band has a Web site and their MySpace page has a YouTube video of their performance . His duplex is shaping up nicely with a new coat of paint this summer and the flowering garden.
Sarah is celebrating the continuing success of her restaurant, Café Lulu in Bay View. She is going to Spanish immersion school in January for three weeks in Cuernavaca, Mexico. She will live with a family and go to school during the day.
Mom and Dad are doing okay and taking care of each other. Dad is slowing down but in pretty good health and still driving. He still does his upholstering each semester at MATC and hopefully will be redoing two chairs for Luke this spring. Mom has had a more difficult time since she hurt her back. Fortunately, with all of us here in Milwaukee, we are able to spread the duties around and help when they ask.
Much love to all and our very best wishes for the New Year.
Jane Williams