McCorry Family USA

A collection of postings by and about members of the extended family of Charles and Bridget McCorry who live in the United States.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sam Jonas Update: Good News

To All,                                           

UPDATE: Peter Jonas tells us that as of Tuesday Aug. 12, doctors have removed the ventilator tube that his son had been dependent on for several days in order to breathe. He's now breathing on his own after a bout with pneumonia. Peter writes in an e-mail: "Sam is breathing on his own. All his signs are good. He is so looking forward to eating some food."
Peter also thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers.

Here's the original post:

When I posted the news about Srs. A and B and otherMcCorry news, Jane (Jonas) Williams sent me an e-mail that her nephew, Sam Jonas, is hospitalized with pneumonia. Jane told me Sam is on a respirator and needs to be able to breathe on his own. Sam’s father, Peter Jonas, told me Saturday that Sam is improving more. They hope to take him off the respirator Sunday if he continues to improve. Sam, as you may recall, has been dealing with cystic fibrosis for many years. Prayers and other good thoughts are appreciated.

Sam Jonas (2nd from right) with his dad Peter (far right), Uncle Scott (left) and Aunt Sarah (corner) at a recent Milwaukee Brewers game.

Robert Mullins

Friday, August 08, 2014

A Thank You From the Nuns for Your Kind Thoughts

Sr. Acquinice wanted me to share this note she sent to me with all of you.

Dear All,                                                                                  Aug., 8, 2014

Thanks for your cards, pictures, letters etc. for Sr. Benedicta’s birthday and afterwards. It’s good to hear about you and your families. I would like to respond to each of you, but I chose this way (the blog) instead.

Sr. B is back in Chicago. Our facility, Mercy Circle, is lovely. We are still adjusting to everything. Sr. B is in skilled care and I am in an assisted living facility. About a week ago I was sure she was dying, but after about 16 hours she bounced back. This has happened several times since her stroke six years ago. It was the first time I witnessed it, though.
When the spirit moves you drop a line or two. We love hearing from you. Know that you are in our daily prayers.

Love to all,
Sr. Mary Acquinice (Aunt Rita)

As a reminder, the addresses of Srs. A & B are below. Note the difference in room numbers, which is necessary to make sure the correspondence gets to the right aunt!:

Sr. Mary Acquinice McCorry, RSM
Mercy Circle
3659 W. 99th St., Room 2202
Chicago, IL 60655

Sr. Mary Benedicta McCorry, RSM
Mercy Circle
3659 W. 99th St., Room 2318
Chicago, IL 60655

I hope you’re all having a great summer. I’ve been following some of your vacation fun on Facebook. It looks like Anna and John Borden and their three children made it out to Las Vegas, Utah and Vail, Colorado! 
Also, Grace Schield posted a photo indicating that the family has obtained grave site markers for her grandparents, Carroll and Betty Schield. 

Be well,
Robert Mullins