McCorry Family USA

A collection of postings by and about members of the extended family of Charles and Bridget McCorry who live in the United States.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Brother Joe Needs Your Prayers

To All,
Some very upsetting news from the Mullins Family today that our dear brother Joe has just been diagnosed with "advanced" cirrhosis of the liver.
Joe -- who turns 55 next month along with his twin sister Eileen -- told us that doctors informed him that on an escalating scale of 1-7 tracking the severity of the disease, he's between a 5 and a 6, which is very serious. He told us of his situation by phone before posting the news on his Facebook page this morning.

"I got the biggest shock of my life on Tuesday. I hadn't been feeling well so I went to my doctor. He sent me to see a specialist, who after a few minutes exam, told me I had cirrhosis on the liver," he wrote. "Who would think an Irishman could have liver problems? I go for more tests on February 4th. I ask you for your prayers."
And, like an Irishman, Joe maintains a sense of humor. The next step is a colonoscopy and presumably a prognosis of some kind. We're all hoping and praying for the best possible outcome for him and and are asking all of you for your support as well.
A long time bartender in Milwaukee, Joe has made a lot of friends, too, over the years as well as loving and supportive family including all of you. We all wish him well and pray for him.
Robert Mullins

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

When They Were Young

To All,
A little something to cheer up those of you still shell-shocked by the stunning loss of the Green Bay Packers to the Seattle -- team whose name we dare not speak -- in the NFC Championship.
This news comes from Dan McCorry, who tells us he and his siblings had gathered over the summer and, as happens to many of us when family gets together, the photo albums come out.
Included in this post are two photos of the McCorry family from 1936, the year President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made his FIRST of three campaigns for re-election.
I wasn't sure so thanks to Dan for explaining who's who in these photos because the children aren't lined up in chronological order of birth but, apparently, by height.

In the family photo, it's father Charles, son Dan, mother Bridget, and daughters Betty, Eleanor, Rita, Mary and Teresa.

In the children only photo, it's Dan, Betty, Eleanor, Rita, Mary, Teresa.
Dan writes, "It’s great to see the 1936 McCorry Family together in one photo.  I suspect it was just prior to Sister B’s entrance to the novitiate.  There are several others we found of Dad’s high school graduation along with a summer camp pic from 1932."
Dan plans to print copies of these photos and send them to Srs. Acquinice and Benedicta "to hopefully brighten their days." Nothing new to report on their medical situations. Sr. A seems to have recovered from her recent surgery and Sr. B's situation appears to be the same as it has been. If any of you hear new information pass it along.  
These McCorry children were the first generation all born in America and look how far we've come -- into the 21st Century. 
Babies like Maura Frances Koesterer, born Sept. 20, 2014 to Liz McCorry Koesterer and her husband Phil are direct descendants. Maura's pictured here with her mom, Liz, and her big brother PJ.

Also carrying on the family line is Geneva Lynn Arroyo, born Jan. 23, 2014, to Katie Jonas and Alex Arroyo. Geneva, all decked out in her new snowsuit, is the great-granddaughter of Teresa McCorry Jonas, the shortest one, standing in front in the 1936 photo.
One other update in the New Year: Me, my Bay Area siblings Tricia, Kathy and her daughter Maureen, enjoyed lunch in San Francisco with Patty Schield Werth, her sister Wendy Smail and Wendy's daughter Brittany. 
We ate at Pizzeria Delfina, where Brittany works. Yes, Wisconsinites, it was January 3 and we got a table outside!
(Photo credits: Dan McCorry and the Facebook pages of Liz and Katie.)
Best wishes to all of you as 2015 continues.
Robert Mullins

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Good news about Sr. Acquinice

To All,
I just got word this evening from Aunt Teresa Jonas that Sr. Acquinice is recovering well from surgery Friday to address health issues that came up during a colonoscopy. She is expected to be back home at Mercy Circle in two or three days. All our prayers have been answered. Thanks also to David Schield for spreading the word, too.
Je Suis Charlie.
Robert Mullins

Friday, January 02, 2015

Sr. Acquinice is Hospitalized

To All,

Aunt Teresa wanted me to share with all of you news that Sr. Acquinice, Aunt Rita, is undergoing surgery today to address issues that came up during a recent colonoscopy. I'm sure a card or letter would be appreciated.

Here's her address:
Sr. Mary Acquinice, RSM
3659 W. 99th St. Rm 2202
Chicago, IL 60655

I hope you all had a great Holiday Season. I joined Tricia, Bill and a bunch of nieces and nephews at the home of Josh and Michelle Freshley in suburban Sacramento on Christmas Eve. Michelle is one of the late Ken Freer's children from his first marriage.
Tomorrow, Kathy, Tricia and me are meeting up with some of the Schields for lunch in San Francisco.

Best of 2015 to all of you.

Robert Mullins